Thursday, February 19, 2009

Get an ashtray asshole!!

So there I am in the turning lane agonizing over another day with assholes when I look out my driver's side window. What do I see? Well it sure as hell isn't the ground. But piled up cigarette butts. Now I have nothing against smoking, it has been around longer than being healthy has therefore seniority rules. But why do smokers have to throw their trash out the window? I wish I could get one good reason for doing that. The outside of your car is not the world's biggest trashcan. Nothing annoys me more while driving, besides assholes who pull out in front of you like if they dont' they will die and then immediatly slow down, than when someone throws their cig out the window and it flys into my windshield. Now if only something could be done so someone didn't have to throw their butt out the window hmmm hmmm...Oh I got it!! How bout....GET AN ASHTRAY ASSHOLE!!!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Get a treadmill asshole!!!!

HEY!!! You do you think you are? It's 20 degrees out! You are outside running and what do you wear? That's right, shorts. What are you trying to prove? I bet you have Nickelback playing in your iPod while you run you fake piece of shit. Why is it so cooool to wear shorts when its cold? You are not really a badass. I know the argument is, "well there I huh have to stay in shape in the winter, cause if I stop running well all that holiday pounds will add up and I'll gain 2 lbs. I'm more progressive, I'm part of the solution not the problem, my car runs on electricty so I don't hurt the environment, I'm way super cool." Well I say GET A TREADMILL ASSHOLE!!!!