Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Get a treadmill asshole!!!!

HEY!!! You do you think you are? It's 20 degrees out! You are outside running and what do you wear? That's right, shorts. What are you trying to prove? I bet you have Nickelback playing in your iPod while you run you fake piece of shit. Why is it so cooool to wear shorts when its cold? You are not really a badass. I know the argument is, "well there I huh have to stay in shape in the winter, cause if I stop running well all that holiday pounds will add up and I'll gain 2 lbs. I'm more progressive, I'm part of the solution not the problem, my car runs on electricty so I don't hurt the environment, I'm way super cool." Well I say GET A TREADMILL ASSHOLE!!!!

1 comment:

  1. That is great Dave!!!!! Send the link to all the guys in production!!!!

